ALL adult players and parents / guardians of youth players must:
- Complete the GAA eLearning Module – https://courses.gaa.ie/Covid19ClubEd and send your certificate of completion to the COVID supervisor for your team.
- Complete the online health questionnaire before returning to training – https://returntoplay.gaa.ie
If your health status has changed since your last session, then you MUST NOT ATTEND TRAINING and follow latest public health guidelines.
If you have any issues regarding any of the above, contact your team Covid Supervisor:
Ladies | Men | |
Senior | Emma Mullan | Peter McKenna |
Minor | Eamonn Hamill | Aidan Shields |
U16 | Stevie McNally | Daniel Grimes |
U14 | Mari McDonnell | Pat O’Neill |
U12 | Mari McDonnell | Colin Woods |
U10 | Conor McAleer | Gary Donaghy |
U8 | Conor McAleer | Gary Donaghy & Martin O’Neill |
Player preparation for training sessions
All players must:
- Arrived dressed for football. Remember to account for changing weather conditions.
- Bring a water bottle. Tape a label to identify your bottle
- Remember that no shaking hands, hi-fives or spitting is allowed
Parents dropping their children to training should use the main car park as normal. Ideally drop off should be 5 mins before the start of the scheduled session.
Anyone entering the Club Grounds MUST use the sanitation stations. This also applies when using the toilet facilities.
Players must vacate the playing fields promptly at the end of the training sessions. No casual kick-a-bouts are allowed.
Parents collecting youth players must adhere to social distancing guidelines.
Entry of supporters to GAA grounds is pending a decision from NI Executive, due on 29th June 2020. We will update parents on the status of this when more information is available.
Safe return to Gaelic Games : Guidelines for Parents & Guardians For Club Activity