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Scéaltaí Sheáin – Eagrán/Edition #2 – Back To Normal?

By Seán Antón Ó Conalláin Fri 21st May

Scéaltaí Sheáin – Eagrán/Edition #2 – Back To Normal?
Scéaltaí Sheáin – Eagrán/Edition #2 – Back To Normal?

Ar ais arís! (back again) Things have gotten níos fearr (better) since the last edition.

I done an agallamh (interview) on BBC Blas ar na mallaibh (recently) about life in lockdown. The príomh rud (main thing) that came from the interview was that níl muid ann go fóill (we are not just there yet).

Yes, things are going back to mar a bhí (as they were) but there is a gá don disciplín (need for discipline). For sure we will give friends and relatives a cuairt (visit) and go for a siúlóid (walk) when it’s aimsir mhaith (good weather). We must áfach (however), remember to caith masc (wear a mask) and fág spás (leave space) when we meet up lena chéile (with each other).

Mar sin (therefore), if you see me or anyone else ag caitheamh (wearing) this badge here is my comhairle (advice) léirigh do mheas, fág agam spás! (show your respect, give me some space!)

By Seán Antón Ó Conalláin Fri 21st May

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